Whether you deliver in-person or remote training on theoretical/academic topics using a written format (e.g., slides), here’s a step-by-step guide to convert them into Didask exercises:
1/ Review your training material and identify the key messages you want to convey.
For example, from this slide, one key message is: "Our cognitive biases influence the way we analyse the world around us."
2/ In your Didask project, match each message with a mistake learners might make.
3/ Refine the identified mistakes:
Group similar mistakes using arrows or drag-and-drop.
Eliminate any redundant ones.
4/ Once you have a set of at least 4 mistakes or expected changes on a similar theme, group them under a single module.
If necessary, move granules to a different module.
Keep in mind that each module should contain no more than 8 practical scenarios.
5/ For each mistake, create an exercise using the granule editor.
Here, step away from your original material
Imagine real-world situations where learners might make these mistakes.
6/ Use feedback, the key message, and explanations to add additional information derived from your slides.
Keywords: Digitising existing training, converting slides, transforming PowerPoint slides, PowerPoint presentations
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