📢 Track the learning data of your target audiences thanks to the statistics of your publications.
💡 Why read your posts statistics?
Statistics are a goldmine that will help you better understand what works and what can be improved in your training. Reading the learning data of your learners will allow you to optimize their training experiences.
🛠️ How does it work?
To get started, access statistics by going to the "Publications" tab. Here, you will find the available statistics for each publication. To understand them, take a look at this video:
Statistics are shown on two levels :
Module-level insights
1/ Prevalidated ✅
Suppose your publication includes the "Placement Assessment" feature. The "Prevalid" value represents the number of learners who have successfully completed this test, allowing them to validate the module without following it integrally. Prevalidated modules then appear as "completed" in individual learner tracking.
2/ Completed 🏁
The number" Completed" indicates the number of learners who have completed the module's integrity. This also includes the users for whom the module was "Prevalidated" thanks to the positioning test.
➡️ This is an essential indicator for measuring the engagement and progress of your learners.
At granular level
1/ Duration ⏳
Duration represents the average time needed to complete a granular. This allows you to see if some granules are more time-consuming than others, which can influence your training strategy.
➡️ For example, an average duration of just a few seconds might indicate that the content is too simple or unengaging for learners.
2/ Sessions 📚
The total number of sessions corresponds to the number of invited learners who followed the content at least once. Unfinished sessions represent the number of learners who left the granule before its conclusion.
➡️ This data can help you identify potential breakpoints.
3/ Learning Unit Type. 📘
This process informs you about the type of content, whether it is information or exercises. You can also determine whether it’s a simple exercise, a categorization task, or an ordering task.
➡️ Having this overview can influence your course design. For example, if you notice that a particular type of exercise is too common or poses difficulties for your learners, you may be able to change exercises.
4/ Difficulty 🧠
The difficulty indicator is based on the percentage of errors made by learners on their first attempt. An "Easy" difficulty means less than 33% errors, "Moderation" between 33% and 66%, and "Difficult" above 66%.
➡️ This can help you identify obstacles in your training materials.
5/ Feedback 📣
Learning feedback allows you to understand in detail what your learners believe they have or haven’t learned. If most responses are marked as "Informative," it suggests that learners felt they gained knowledge. If the feedback is divided or there are too few responses, it’s labeled as "Mixed". If the majority already knew the content, it is labeled as "Already known".
➡️ This information is crucial to improving the relevance of your content and the satisfaction of your learners.
6/ Drop-off 🏃♀️
Drop-off indicates the percentage of learners who exited the module. A "High" dropdown (more than 10%) means that a significant part of the learners did not complete the learning unit.
➡️ Identify potential reasons for drop-off to better retain learner engagement.
7/ Comments 💬
Finally, don’t overlook your learners’ feedback. They give you a direct overview of what learners think about your granules.
➡️ Constructive feedback can be a valuable resource for continuous improvement.
🔍 Export your statistics
You have the possibility to export your statistics in CSV format. Here is an example of the data you will have access to.
🔍 Filter your statistics
When you view a publication's analysis page, enable the filter by groups of learners and select the group you want to analyze. Data will instantly update to reflect the performance of the selected group.
Keywords: statistics, learning data, tracking, analysis
Do you still have questions? If you have any questions or need assistance, our support team is at your disposal via chat/messenger. 💬