🎨 Certificate Customization
🆕 Background Image Replacement
You can now replace the default certificate background with a custom image of your choice. A preview of text areas is available to ensure optimal readability.
What this means for you:
Enhanced flexibility: Customize the certificate to reflect your organization’s branding.
Improved readability: Preview text areas for clarity.
User-friendly design: Streamlined customization for easier design.
🔎 How to Use It?
Access certificate settings in the publication.
Replace the default background image with a custom one.
Preview text zones on the certificate to ensure readability.
🎦 Watch the Video
📝Description Block
🆕 Line Breaks Enabled
You can now use line breaks in the certificate description block, allowing for clearer text structure and presentation.
What this means for you:
Better-structured text: Organized content for easier reading.
Enhanced presentation: Spacing improves readability.
Increased clarity: Easier to highlight key information.
⚒️Dynamic Tags in Content Blocks
🆕 Templating Feature in Rich Text Editor
The templating feature is now available in the rich text editor for freeform and short story granules in the Studio. With dynamic tags, specific values will display based on learner data as they view content.
What this means for you:
Greater personalization: Tailor content for each learner by including their first name, last name, and SSO ID, making the learning experience more engaging and relevant.
Increased interactivity: Content becomes more dynamic, boosting engagement and training effectiveness.
Time savings: Simplifies managing personalized content, allowing you to focus on quality creation.
🔎 How to Use It?
Go to the granule editing section.
Open the advanced editor.
Add tags to address the learner directly:
👉 {{learner.firstName}} : Le prénom de l’apprenant sera affiché.
👉 {{learner.lastName}} : Le nom de l’apprenant sera affiché.
👉 {{learner.oidcSubject}} : L’ID de connexion SSO de l’apprenant sera affiché (également connu sous le nom d’OIDC Subject).
💡 Learner View:
These tags wille be automatically displayed as personalized data when learners view the content, enhancing the user experience. 🎯
🎦 Watch the following video for more Information
🎨 Features for Beta Testers
✏️ New Beta Feature: Copilot Smart Assistant
This feature automatically refines text in granules, offering suggestions to improve clarity.
What this means for you:
Easy revisions: Automatically enhances text clarity and precision.
Optimized content: Improved writing quality.
Boosted engagement: Granules become more professional and compelling.
🔎How to Use It?
In any text content, click the blue spark icon✨ to enhance clarity with AI suggestions.
🎦For more information, check the following video:
📊 New Beta Feature: Admin Report Tab
A new dedicated tab now allows you to view comprehensive platform-wide statistics.
Key global indicators available include:
Number of training spaces
Number of projects
Number of published learning paths
Number of learners
Number of modules
Total available training time
Number of completed paths
Number of completed modules
Number of certificates issued
Number of completed micro-challenges
To access it, go to the "Administration" section of your project 👉
What this means for you:
Clear overview: Centralized global data for easier management and analysis.
Optimized decision-making: Statistical insights readily available to guide strategic choices.
Enhanced tracking: Simplified performance and trend tracking for more precise adjustments.
🖇️ New Beta Feature: .txt Export
You can now export project content in .txt format, facilitating review by external contributors.
To access it, go to the "Settings" section of your project
What this means for you:
Streamlined sharing: Project content can be easily exported for use outside the platform.
Simplified management: The .txt format allows easy text handling, ideal for integration into other tools or systems.
Increased flexibility: Work on your content in different environments without compromising formatting integrity.
📄 New Beta Feature: Automatic Image Descriptions in Project Generation
When generating projects from file imports, image descriptions can now be automatically added.
What this means for you:
Improved accessibility: Image descriptions enhance accessibility.
Enriched content management: Provides additional context for each visual.
Seamless integration: Descriptions are auto-added for consistent content quality.
Related topics:
Keywords: Final evaluation certificate customization, dynamic tags, beta tester features
If you have further questions, please contact us at [email protected]. Our team is here to support you with your projects! 💬